We enable our customers to acquire highly sought-after domain names which provide their sites with better SEO and brand recognition.
Location matters
Any real estate agent will tell you that location means everything when it comes to valuing a property. At TurnCommerce we understand that when it comes to your Web address, location matters.
We realized early on that domain names were unique assets with inherent value unlike anything else. In 2003 we began acquiring domains, and now hold the world’s largest private portfolio.

Over time, the demand for premium domains continues to grow, meanwhile the supply remains limited. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to own a great domain name, and have helped thousands of customers acquire one. We also provide the products that help people manage their domains.
We understand that domain names are a unique asset class unto themselves. Good domain names are illiquid, transferable investments that retain their value over time.

Our culture
TurnCommerce prides itself not only on our technology, but also on the talent of our people. The company is thriving because of our leadership, our commitment to our customers, and our core values.
We understand that problems are opportunities. We gather, analyze, and interpret data; choosing the best course of action by establishing clear decision criteria. We generate and evaluate alternatives, and make timely decisions. We’re committed to getting things done efficiently and economically.

What drives us
As technology advances we strive to be among the companies at the leading edge. We remain committed to providing new and easier ways for our customers to interact with our products and services. We continue to adopt to new technologies and methodologies.
We understand that domain names are a unique asset class unto themselves. Good domain names are illiquid, transferable investments that retain their value over time.
Find incredible opportunities to grow your career, while building solutions from the ground up. View our open positions.
Industry Engagement
Turn Commerce participates in numerous industry associations, organizations and campaigns that help towards a better, brighter future for internet users, domain owners and organizations of all types. Learn more about our industry engagement.

Our core values
Always learning
What is the point if we are not learning and moving forward? Failure is encouraged and is a great way to learn how we could do something better. We always want to expand our knowledge and learn from others. We want everyone to be invested in their careers and learning as much as possible.
Automation is at the core of TurnCommerce. We automate everything and remove repetitive and redundant work. Automation allows for us to scale and be an extremely nimble company.
Data driven
Big data is the core of TurnCommerce and we never shy away from collecting and plowing through extremely large sets of data. Decisions will be influenced by the data.
Family first
Family and friends are the most important parts of our lives. We sleep a third of our lives, we are with our family a third of our lives and we work a third of our lives. We therefore need to focus on the most important third of our lives, which is with our family and friends doing things that make us personally fulfilled and happiest.
Have fun
Life is short. Enjoy what you do each and every single day. Laugh a lot. Make jokes. We work hard and play hard. Everyone should have a great work-life balance. Live life passionately and to the fullest.
We are a passionate group of individuals who love technology. We are self-motivated and accountable. We take ownership of our projects. We are nimble and innovative.
Complex functions and queries should always be lighting fast. Front-end websites should meet or beat customer expectations at all times; We take pride in building performant applications. We should take the extra time to optimize everything we create, while keeping things simple.
We go out of our way to help others. We communicate with our teams often. We take extra time for proper planning. We put the team before ourselves and are empathetic to others. We empower others. We always pay it forward and teach others. We keep the company ego-free.