Turn Commerce participates in numerous industry associations, organizations and campaigns that help towards a better, brighter future for internet users, domain owners and organizations of all types.
We aspire to be good citizens and participants within the supply industry of domains and related business, and we participate in local, national and international groups and organizations as part of our commitment to this.
First and foremost we are accredited with ICANN, the organization who oversees the domain system and numbers for a stable, secure and resilient internet.

ICANN Accredited Registrars
Turn Commerce and its registrars are accredited and contracted with ICANN. We operate under the 2013 Registrar Accreditation Agreement, which is ICANN’s latest Registrar Agreement for all ICANN Accredited Registrars, and our registrars operate in compliance with all required policy, and hold good standing.

ICANN Registrar Stakeholder Group (RrSG)
Turn Commerce is a member in good standing of the Registrar Stakeholder Group (RrSG) within ICANN.
Founded in 1999, the RrSG is one of the representative groups within the ICANN Community, actively working to ensure the interests of registrars and their registrants are properly represented.
Our participation and engagement helps us better serve our customers and participate constructively in the larger internet community of stakeholders within the ICANN Community.
RrSG Best Practices
The RrSG Technical Operations Group (TechOps) operates a website listing current and prevailing standards related to the registration and resolution of domain names and the various systems around them (such as RDAP, DNS, DNSSEC, etc).
Turn Commerce’s leadership and engineering teams actively participate in the TechOps, and its companies follow IETF RFCs, RAA2013 Compliance Requirements, and follow or lead the trends on technology use by working with standards-based protocols, structures and formats.

Internet Commerce Association (ICA)
Turn Commerce is a platinum member and firm supporter of the Internet Commerce Association through its NameBright subsidiary.
The ICA is a non-profit advocating for the rights and interests of domain name owners and related service providers.
Supporting the ICA helps fortify the integrity of the industry and opportunities within the domain name space, and serves to elevate the rights of legitimate registrants and business interests in domain names.

DNS Abuse Institute
The Domain Name System (DNS) Abuse Institute is tasked with creating outcome-based initiatives that will create recommended practices, foster collaboration, and develop industry-shared solutions to combat the five areas of DNS Abuse: malware, botnets, phishing, pharming, and spam.
Turn Commerce shares the aspirational objectives of this initiative, and closely follows and maintains a positive, supportive and open dialog with the Institute as it evolves its objectives, participating in surveys, webinars, calls or other engagement to further the cause.
DNS Abuse Framework
Turn Commerce are signatories to the DNS Abuse Framework – which is a set of principles outlined to help make the DNS and the Internet a more secure space.
We are deeply engaged and participating in a number of working groups and initiatives within the ICANN community and beyond in addition to those listed above, working with other leading organizations on ensuring the integrity and trustworthiness of the industry of domain names.